What are cocoa nibs?

Cocoa nibs are the inner part of the cocoa bean. The cocoa beans are grown on a Theobroma Cacao tree in Cocoa Pods and are harvested throughout the season. The pods are plucked from the tree, beans removed and then they are left to ferment for 4-7 days before they are laid in the sun to dry prior to being roasted. Once they are roasted they are safe to eat. The cocoa bean (or cacao bean) is covered with a thin shell and is naturally fragmented inside creating the cocoa nib.

If you ever get a chance, break a freshly roasted bean open by twisting them, then lean in and wallow in the rich chocolatey aromas. When restrictions are lifted and I am allowed to do my workshops again, this is part of what you learn. Such a wonderful all-encompassing aroma! Onto the taste…... The cocoa nibs can come from different parts of the world and with this comes different flavours. I like to describe this part of the experience like tasting fruit teas -they always taste differently to how they smell. Ha ha

At this stage the cocoa nibs won’t taste of chocolate as it has no natural sugars in it. It’s nutty and savoury, it’s a bit like eating an espresso bean. These are super good for you, packed with anti-oxidants that can help reduce stress and inflammation. Cocoa nibs have been linked to reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes – there is plenty of ongoing research on this and online information so please check it out.

Needing fibre in your diet, then look no further? There is a high percentage of fibre and magnesium present in cocoa nibs This has been known to reduce high blood pressure and bring blood glucose levels down.

How can you use Cocoa Nibs in your everyday life....

  • Toss cacao nibs into your favourite smoothie.

  • Use them in baked goods like muffins and breads.

  • Blend cacao nibs into homemade nut butters.

  • Stir them into your morning oatmeal or porridge

  • Mix them with nuts and dried fruit for an energy-packed snack

Similar to the 100% cocoa shards… these cocoa nibs have the same energy punch- a level headed alertness balance. Perfect for a busy day in the office or doing exercise.


Valentine’s Day